How to use coloured recycling bins
We know that there are a lot of people that often ask the question ‘What are the different coloured recycling bins for?’ so we thought that we would help provide a quick reference guide for you to better understand exactly what the Ecobin original range of coloured recycling bins are used for and hopefully make life a little easier for you.
In our original Ecobin family we offer five coloured bins and they are all explained below for your convenience.
BLUE – Paper Recycling
Hello, and welcome to Paper & Cardboard recycling 101 which is pretty serious business as chopping down trees is KILLING OUR WILDLIFE AND ROBBING US OF OXYGEN, which I don’t know if everyone has forgotten, is a super-duper-mega vital part of our survival.
Paper and cardboard are both made from cellulose fibres extracted from trees and in order for this extraction to occur, a tree must be cut down. That’s right, cut down. Right down, baby. Right down. This means one less tree to provide you and two other people with oxygen… for life!
What can I put into the Blue Paper Recycling Bin?
- Office Paper Only
- Clean Cardboard
- Food
- Prunings
- Fruit & Vegetables
- Plate Scrapings including Meat, Fish & Leftovers
- Coffee Grounds
- Flowers
- Drinking Glass Ware
- Broken Crockery
- Cling Wrap
- Plastic Bags
- Packing Straps
- Sticky Tape
- Glazed Wrappers
- Polystyrene
- Glass Bottles
- Clean Cardboard
- Newspaper
- Plastic
- Office Paper
- Aluminium Cans
- Milk & Juice Cartons
- Disposable Coffee Cup – LIDS ONLY
- Bread bags (not with ties)
- Pasta & Rice Bags
- Cling Wrap
- Plastic Bags
- Biscuit Packets
- Frozen Food Bags
- Green Recycling Bags
- Confectionary Bags
- Bubble Wrap