Degradable, biodegradable, compostable, plastic, this and that – it can be so overwhelming to know what the right choice for you and our planet is! First, take a deep breath. Second, smile and continue reading because we have the answers for you. Are degradable bags a good option? Let’s begin with our good friend degradable. This could be your garbage bags, bin liners, even your dog poo bags. When a bag is labelled degradable, it means it is made from plastic and special chemicals that (if exposed to heat and sunlight) allow it to dissolve as time passes. Sounds amazing right? Well, whilst degradable is better than stock-standard plastic, it can still cause issues for our wildlife. Instead of disappearing completely, degradable bags break down into many minute plastic pieces, which animals then digest. What about biodegradable bags? So, if not degradable, then what about biodegradable? Unfortunately, we still run into a similar issue as with degradable bags in that tiny microparticles still litter our streets and environment, causing hazardous conditions. Should I rather use compostable bags? However, before you give up entirely and run down the street using your hands as your grocery bags, we do have one more option to evaluate – compostable bags. These eco-warriors are usually made from plant starch and are void of toxins. Compostable bags can be broken down to form compost (if recycled in the correct organics bin). We have learnt quite a bit today! Compostable bags are our preferred option, but make sure to dispose of them correctly! If you cannot access compostable bags, then degradable and biodegradable are still better than your regular plastic bags, just remember that they must go into your general waste bin so as not to contaminate our wildlife!